EJWOP Special Issue: Age in the Workplace

Dear Colleagues:

Reminder: Special issue of the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology on "Age in the Workplace".

Initial draft of papers due: March 31, 2012

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

Special Issue Call for Papers: Age in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities

Special Issue Editors:

Franco Fraccaroli
University of Trento

Donald M. Truxillo
Portland State University

It is estimated that by 2050, the population of older workers (55-64) in Europe will grow up to 60% (Carone & Costello, 2006). It is estimated that by 2018, approximately one quarter of the U.S. workforce will be age 55 or older (Tossi, 2009). This older, more age diverse workforce is raising new research questions. Researchers are examining how age affects a range of important work outcomes such as job performance (e.g., Ng & Feldman, 2008), motivation (e.g., Kanfer & Ackerman, 2004), career trajectories (e.g., Wang, 2007), age stereotypes (Posthuma & Campion, 2009), and job attitudes (e.g., Ng & Feldman, 2010).

These shifts in age composition increase the importance of understanding the role of age in the workplace. The academic literature has begun to address age in the workplace in many respects, although advances are needed in terms of theory and practice. The goals of this special issue on age in the workplace are to advance theory and research in this field and to showcase top research from around the world. Research questions include but are not limited to the following:

  • What is the nature of age stereotyping in the workplace? How do individuals of different ages perceive colleagues who are in their same age group, or those who are older or younger than they are? Are there also biases against younger workers (Posthuma & Campion, 2009)? What can be done to overcome age stereotyping at work? 
  • What role does age play in work motivation and work engagement (e.g., Kanfer & Ackerman, 2004)? Are younger and older workers motivated by different aspects of their work environment? Are different tactics necessary for increasing motivation and engagement among younger versus older workers? 
  • Do generational differences cause tensions among people of different generations who work together? If so, what is the nature of these tensions, and what can be done to help alleviate those tensions and promote successful collaboration among people of different age groups? 
  • What are the best human resources policies for the management of age differences in organizations? How do work-life balance issues differ for older and younger workers, and how can these best be managed by organizations? How can jobs be better designed to fit the needs of older and younger workers? 
  • What are the career patterns of older workers, including retirement and bridge employment? What factors (economic, motivational) drive these patterns of employment? What are possible effects of the current economic downturn? What factors can support successful work – in terms of attitudes, performance, well-being, and health – for workers who are working longer.

Empirical, theoretical, or conceptual papers are all welcome.

Initial draft of papers due: March 31, 2012

Initial decisions to authors: July 31, 2012

Expected publication: 2013

Note that the special issue is open and competitive. All papers will undergo a double-blind, peer-review process.
Interested authors may send a short description via e-mail to either of the guest editors, Franco Fraccaroli ([email protected]) or Donald Truxillo ([email protected]).

In general, manuscripts should be limited to 7,000 words not including references, tables, and figures. When submitting to the EJWOP submission site, please designate the paper as being for the Age in the Workplace special issue under the manuscript type.

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