Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance
Special Issue: Embracing entrepreneurial funding innovations
The deadline for the submission of papers is 31 December 2015.
Special issue guest editors
Cristiano Bellavitis (Higher School of Economics, National Research University)
Igor Filatotchev (Cass Business School, City University London, and Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Dzidziso Samuel Kamuriwo (Cass Business School, City University London)
Tom Vanacker (Ghent University)
Entrepreneurial firms are the backbone of economies and drivers of both economic development and employment. Young and innovative entrepreneurial firms are germane to the creation, development and growth of new technologies, industries and markets and create the most jobs. Yet, these firms often need considerable amounts of financial capital to sustain their growth. Over the last decades, the entrepreneurial finance literature emphasized the importance of business angels and venture capital investors.
This opportunity listing expired on 1-Dec-2015